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Explorer to Compete in New York City

Six members of the Merze Tate Explorers held their breath as they awaited the results. The young women in grades 9th-12th, had just competed with nearly 30 other youth in the inaugural virtual True Colors Next Narrative Monologue Competition. Their hard work had paid off as students competed virtually for two spots to perform in the national Next Narrative competition in New York City.

Explorer Aija (pronounced I-YAH) Hodges won one of the two finalists spots for Michigan and will now go on to compete in New York City on May 2. Hodges now has an opportunity to win the national competition on May 2, 2022, along with cash and prizes.

Aija Hodges wins place in Next Narrative’s True Colors National monologue competition. She now will compete in New York City.

Students from Heritage High School in Saginaw, Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, and the Merze Tate Explorers worked for weeks with acting coaches to learn a monologue created by the playwrights of True Colors based in Atlanta, Georgia. While only high school students could compete in the state competition, the Explorers held their own internal monologue competition for those in grades 3rd-8th.

“The Explorers was created to help girls explore possibilities through media,” said organization founder Sonya Bernard-Hollins. “When Michigan State University’s Wharton Theatre department reached out to see if our students would be interested, I couldn’t pass it up.

“These girls are amazing and can do anything when they put their minds to it. While we typically focus on media arts (journalism), monologues are a form of art that comes to life through those who share it with others. In addition, it allowed the students to compete in an area similar to our namesake Merze Tate. Tate won the Hinman Oratorical Contest when she was a junior at Battle Creek Central High School (1921) here in Michigan. What better way to show students of today the power of oratorical skills than through monologue?”

Watch Aija’s Interview Here!

The MSU Wharton Theatre Department sponsored the Explorers for the state Next Narrative Monologue Competition. Students worked with MSU theater students and coach LaRon Hudson to perfect their monologues for the competition.

All of the Explorers presented their monologues with character and professionalism as they competed for two second-place runners-up, two first-place runners-up, and two finalist positions. Hodges, an 11th grader at Kalamazoo Central High School, was among the top two with her monologue, “One Second,” by Rachel Lynett.

“I chose ‘One Second,’ because I could relate to the fear and anxiety of being thrust into the new world as an adult,” said Hodges who also will play the lead role of Mal, in the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre’s Disney’s Descendants.

The play opens on April 29th, just a few days before competing in New York. According to the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre website, “the play is about It is present-day, and in the kingdom of Auradon, all of Disney’s beloved heroes and royalty are living happily ever after, safe from the terrifying villains and troublesome sidekicks that have been banished to the magic-free Isle of the Lost.” 


Mahalia Guidry, 8th grade, performs her monologue for her Zoom audience and goes on to win the Junior Explorer Monologue division and a trip to New York City to see Explorer Aija Hodges perform at the Apollo Theatre for the national competition.

While only those in high school could compete in the Next Narrative event, Explorers in grades 3rd-8th, also were tasked to memorize a monologue as well. The winner of the Merze Tate Explorers’ internal junior competition would win a trip to New York to watch an Explorer compete if any won the state competition. Mahalia Guidry, an 8th grade homeschooler, won with her monologue, “Late Due to Lemonade,” by Inda Craig-Galván.

Guidry’s monologue about a young person in a wheelchair whose challenges to get to a job interview showed the reality of what is often a disregard for those in wheelchairs on public transportation. Guidry, who also held a role in the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre production of “Fences,” brought heart and compassion to the monologue.

Zydiora Jones, 3rd grade, and Nariyah Reynolds, 4th grade, compete in the Elementary Explorer Monologue division.

Two students competed in the Explorer monologue elementary division. Zydiora Jones (3rd grade) and Nariyah Reynolds (4th grade) split the monologue, “You are Here,” by Regina Taylor. The monologue shared the perspective of young people in areas from Uber customers to sitting at the Thanksgiving table with elders. Both won American Girl dolls for their entertaining performances.

Explorer Monologue Competition Winners

High School Division:

1st Place Aija Hodges – State Winner “One Second” by Rachel Lynett
2nd Place – Sasha Hollins “It’s Aaliyah for Me,” by Candace Jones
3rd Place – Alayna Kuhn “Friends. Ones We Can Depend On? by Deneen Reynolds-Knott

Middle School Division:

1st Place Mahalia Guidry – “Late Due to Lemonade,” by Inda Craig-Galvan

2nd Place Nya Kuhn – “Upcharge,” by Inda Craig-Galvan

Elementary School Division:

1st Place Nariyah Reynolds – “You Are Here,” by Regina Taylor

2nd Place Zydiora Jones – “You Are Here,” by Regina Taylor

Look for videos of all the winners and highlights from all performers COMING SOON!
